Close Advertising Analyzing Every Homunculus – Fullmetal Alchemist VS Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood FMA VS FMA:B series finally continues with the homunculi analysis! Whoa nelly what a time to be alive. Also, I accidentally … ANIME AND MANGA 2003 vs brotherhood bradley Conqueror of Shamballa envy envy 2003 FMA fma manga fma villain fma vs broho fma vs fmab full metal alchemist fullmetal alchemist analysis fullmetal alchemist brotherhood fullmetal alchemist manga fullmetal alchemist movie fullmetal alchemist villains fullmetal alchemist vs brotherhood gluttony gluttony 2003 Greed greed 2003 Homunculi Homunculus king bradley Lust lust 2003 Pride pride 2003 sloth sloth 2003 wrath wrath 2003 3542 views 0 / 0