Close Advertising How Legit are Cid’s Crowbars from Eminence in Shadow? #shorts Filipino Kali Martial Arts Instructor, Logan Lo, breaks down Cid Kagenou’s and his dual crowbars from the anime, The Eminence in … ANIME AND MANGA anime cid kagenou cid kagenou crowbar cid kagenou crowbar fight cid kagenou crowbar fight scene cid kagenou crowbar skills cid kagenou fighting style crowbar eminence in shadow eminence in shadow fight scene eminence in shadow final fight eminence in shadow react to cid how strong is cid kagenou iris and beatrix vs shadow Scenic Fights Scenic Fights shorts ScenicFights shadow crowbar fight scene eminence in shadow shadow vs beatrix vs iris the Eminence in Shadow 3194 views 0 / 0